WOD: Helen

Tuesday 221024

3 rounds for time:
400-m run
21 KB swings (16/24 kg)
12 pull-ups


4 rounds for time:
800-m run
24 alt. walking lunges holding a med ball 6/9kg
12m Sled pull 70/100kg

WOD: Isabel

Monday 211024

For time
30 snatches (43/61 kg)

On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a heavy 3-rep power snatch
– Perform touch-and-go reps.
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between lifts.


ΕΜΟΜ 24'

Minute 1: 12-18 Row calories
Minute 2: 10-15 Push-Ups
Minute 3: 10-15 Bike or Ski Calories
MInute 4: rest

WOD: Open Gym

Saturday 191024

"To γυμναστήριο, σήμερα 19/10 θα λειτουργεί μόνο ως Open Gym και στον δεύτερο όροφο, λόγω του σεμιναρίου Birdbox που θα φιλοξενήσουμε στον χώρο. Αποδυτήρια και Kukuowl θα είναι κλειστά!"

"The gym today, 19/10, will operate only as an Open Gym on the second floor, due to the Birdbox seminar we are hosting. The locker rooms and Kukuowl will be closed!"

WOD: 5 rounds for time:

Friday 181024

200-m run
10 strict handstand push-ups

3 sets:
15 weighted bridges


For time each round:

400m run
18m burpee broad jump
18m walking lunges
rest 2:00

repeat 4 rounds.
Try to maintain the same time on all efforts.

WOD: AMRAP 20' with a partner

Thursday 171024

Row , bike or ski for calories
– Switch as needed.


EMOM 24 minutes

Minute 1: 15-20 Wall Balls (6kg/9kg)
Minute 2: 12-16 Dumbbell Snatches (15kg/22.5kg, alternating arms)
Minute 3: 40m-60m Farmer's Carry (2x16kg/2x24kg)
Minute 4: 150-200m run
MInute 5: rest

WOD: Fran

Wednesday 161024

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (29/43 kg)

3:00 plank hold


For time
3 rounds of
800m run
40 walking lunges
30 push-ups
20 calories on any machine

WOD: 3 rounds for time:

Tuesday 151024

21 push-ups
12 hang power cleans (43/61 kg)
800-m run

3 sets:
5-10 V-ups
3-5 log rolls/direction
– Rest as needed.


Team WOD
For time:

12 Rounds (alternating) of:
200m Run
12m burpee broadjump
20 alternating med ball shots with your partner 6/9kg 3m distance